Imagine a technology that can make wood fibers functional and high-performing using only natural, safe, recyclable, and compostable ingredients. Meet Fiberdom Technology.

A process that is as simple as it is powerful
100% Natural Ingredients.
100% Plastic-free.
Our supermaterial is born from sustainable FSC-certified wood pulp or paperboard – then processed with just a handful of additional natural ingredients and activated through our technology.
The Power of
Functionalizing fibers is about adding purpose. Our process infuses the fibers with characteristics that make them suitable for a range of high-performance uses without the need for binders or barriers.
Simple Process for Next-Gen Materials
A heat and pressure treatment transforms functionalized fibers into durable, versatile forms. This allows our material to be shaped to meet the high standards of converters and manufacturers – delivering performance without compromising recyclability or compostability.
Designed for
Real-World Circularity
Our material is recyclable in standard carton streams and home-compostable—making circularity a reality. And our production residues are recycled into new materials, maximizing resource use and closing the loop.